WirelessKeyView.exe /LoadFrom 2 /ExternalWinDir " j:windows'="" wlansvcfolder="" 'j:programdatamicrosoftwlansvcprofiles'="" scomma="" 'c:tempwk1.csv'<="" p="">
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Download WirelessKeyView 32-bit without command-line support |
Download WirelessKeyView for x64 |
Zip File Password: WKey4567# |
***** WirelessKeyView Frequently Asked Questions ***** |
Go To Password Recovery Tools Page |
WirelessKeyView is also available in other languages. In order to change the language of WirelessKeyView, download the appropriate language zip file, extract the 'wirelesskeyview_lng.ini', and put it in the same folder that you Installed WirelessKeyView utility.
Language | Translated By | Date | Version |
Arabic | Abo Rehaam | 22/04/2011 | 1.35 |
Arabic | Fcmam5 | 13/05/2014 | |
Belarussian | Agnessa Petrova | 29/01/2018 | |
Brazilian Portuguese | Paulo Neto | 08/01/2016 | 1.72 |
Brazilian Portuguese | Paulo Guzmán | 28/08/2018 | 2.05 |
Bulgarian | Александър Дичев | 26/06/2008 | |
Croatian | Ivan Grubišić | 20/02/2012 | |
Czech | Buchtič | 18/07/2012 | 1.50 |
Danish | Tajs P. Nielsen | 13/11/2008 | |
Dutch | Jan Verheijen | 03/10/2020 | 2.20 |
Finnish | 26/04/2012 | ||
French | skorpix38 (nov 2016) | 10/11/2016 | 2.05 |
French | PasswordOne | 31/01/2016 | 1.72 |
French | Indi59 (04/2019) | 20/04/2019 | 2.06 |
French | Claude Le Delliou (01/2020) | 02/01/2020 | 2.11 |
Galician | Xosé Antón Vicente Rodríguez | 05/07/2008 | |
German | «Latino» auf WinTotal.de | 04/10/2020 | 2.20 |
Greek | geogeo.gr | 17/03/2016 | 1.75 |
Hebrew | peterg | 29/04/2011 | |
Hebrew | Aharon Don | 05/11/2012 | 1.60 |
Hungarian | Tamás Ferenc | 19/06/2016 | 1.76 |
Italian | Andrea Carli | 29/11/2019 | 2.11 |
Italian | Giorgio Brausi | 26/03/2013 | 1.35 |
Japanese | iLEƒÖEj | 17/07/2013 | 1.67 |
Japanese | hppy.net | 02/03/2020 | |
Korean | oborodokio | 14/09/2011 | 1.36 |
Macedonian | SaLt | 13/08/2008 | |
Norwegian | jtf | 30/06/2008 | |
Norwegian | Colargol66 | 26/06/2008 | |
Norwegian | Rolf Hennum | 21/10/2008 | |
Persian | Amirreza Nasiri | 25/02/2014 | 1.70 |
Polish | Hightower | 06/10/2020 | 2.20 |
Portuguese | Carlos Dias (Ovar) | 15/03/2008 | |
Romanian | Jaff (Oprea Nicolae) | 05/02/2016 | 1.72 |
Russian | Kvark && Dm.Yerokhin | 04/10/2020 | 2.20 |
Simplified Chinese | DickMoore | 15/04/2020 | 2.11 |
Simplified Chinese | Lechie | 20/04/2011 | |
Simplified Chinese | Zhe Yao | 19/07/2011 | |
Slovak | František Fico | 13/10/2020 | 2.20 |
Slovenian | pekiDI | 17/08/2016 | |
Spanish | Osvaldo Gomez G. | 15/11/2016 | 2.05 |
Swedish | WSDN Wictor Winsnes | 02/12/2006 | |
Taiwanese | Republic of Taiwan | 07/03/2007 | |
Traditional Chinese | Danfong Hsieh | 04/10/2020 | |
Thai | น้องพร WiFi ค่ะ | 01/08/2013 | 1.67 |
Turkish | HARUN ARI | 01/10/2011 | 1.36 |
Ukrainian | vmsoft77 | 27/08/2014 | 1.70 |
Valencian | vjatv | 06/01/2008 |