Gotta See! Gotta Know! Kakashi-sensei's True Face! ^o^
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Watch Naruto episode 101 Online Gotta See! Kakashi Sensei's True Face! Mitai, Shiritai, Tashikametai Kakashi-sensei no Sugao 見たい, 知りたい, 確かめたい カカシ先生の素顔 Bas le masque, Kakashi sensei! Naruto and his two squadmates have always wanted to see what Kakashi looks like under his mask. Streaming Naruto Episode 101 English Dubbed online for Free. Stay connected with us to watch all Naruto full episodes in High Quality/HD.
Naruto Episode 101
Waiting for someoneuntil at least three hours is a boring moment for team 7 which the members areNaruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. Coming late is such a tradition from their teacher,Mr. Kakashi, who always wears a mask covering his face. One day, Naruto hadstarted the idea of finding out what was behind Mr. Kakashi’s mask. Hepersuades Sasuke to join with him and Sakura to find in which he does.Initially, Sasuke said that it was a stupid idea and he decided to go home. Narutotried to tempt Sasuke by telling him which behind Mr. Kakashi’s mask could be,it was thick lips or buck teeth. Then, Sasuke get tempted and they start theplanning. They invited Mr. Kakashi to getting lunch together in Ramenrestaurant until being Mr. Kakashi’s stalker all day long, but their plan arefailed. In the next day, they get a mission to help out on a farm. They werebeing followed by trio of weird brothers called as Trio Ninja Moya, who wantedto kill Mr. Kakashi because he beats up them and stole the leader of NinjaMoya’s girlfriend that happened three years ago. After defeating them, Narutotold Mr. Kakashi that he wants to see what was behind his mask. In the end, Mr.Kakashi dramatically removes it to reveal another mask.
Applied Roland Barthes Narrative Codes into Anime Naruto Episode 101
Enigma Code can called as Hermeneutic, refers to any element in the story which is not explained. It means that a mystery from the story must be solved by the audience. The ambiguity of the enigma code draws the audience in by invoking curiosity. Usually, an unanswered enigma makes the audience frustrated because it was raising questions that demand explication.
According to Naruto Episode 101, Mr. Kakashi’strue face behind the mask can interpret as EnigmaCode. It seems when Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura are so curious about whatwas behind Mr. Kakashi’s mask. It was because Mr. Kakashi always covering hisface by mask. Of course, it makes his student always guess what his true face couldbe. Is it thick lips or buck teeth? At the end of episode, Mr. Kakashi’s trueface still becomes a mystery that can’t be solved by Naruto, Sasuke, andSakura.
Naruto Episode 101 Anime Planet
Action Code can called as Proairetic, applies toany action that implies a further narrative action. The action and suspenseused traditionally for escapism to entertain the audience and immerse them in thetext. Definitely, it asks the audience to guess what is going happen in thenext.
Accordingto Naruto Episode 101, all of the plans from Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura thatthey have realized can interpret as ActionCode. It seems when they think out of the idea to solve their problem, togetting know what was Mr. Kakashi’s true face behind his mask. They really wantto know the reason why their teacher uses the mask to covering his face. Theywill do everything to reach what their goals. They make some plans to realizeit. It started when they invited Mr. Kakashi to getting lunch together,following Mr. Kakashi’s schedule all day long, and etc. But all of their plansare failed. It makes them tired. But, they feel dissatisfied if they can’tfulfill what they want. They are so confused about what will they do in thenext, because they don’t have an idea to solve this problem.
SemanticCode points to any element in a text that suggests a particular, oftenadditional meaning by way of connotation. These are called semes, which connote an extra meaning aside from the literaldenotation. Commonly, it founds in open media texts.
According to Naruto Episode 101, The Leader ofTrio Ninja Moya wants to marry a girl he loved and he gives her the red rosewhich describe about romanticism. The romanticism can interpret as Semantic Code.
According to Naruto Episode 101, The Leader ofTrio Ninja Moya gives a poison on Mr. Kakashi’s meal to revenge him whichdescribe about craftiness. The craftiness also can interpret as Semantic Code.

Cultural code is any element that refers to anythingwhich is founded on some kind of canonical works that cannot be challenged andis assumed to be a foundation for truth. Usually, it refers to a science or abody of knowledge, such as morality and iedeology. In other words, the culturalcodes tend to point to our shared knowledge about the way the world works,including properties that we can designate as “physical, physiological,medical, psychological, literary, historical, etc. Typically this involveseither science or religion, although other canons such as magical truths may beused in fantasy stories.
Naruto Episode 101 Dub
According to Naruto Episode 101, Trio Ninja Moyacan interpret as the Cultural Code.Ninja is a type of warrior from Japan who specialized in unconventional warfaresuch as infiltration, sabotage, and assassination. Usually, ninja employeddeception and forgery tactics to take opponents out by surprise.
Accordingto Naruto Episode 101, the way of Mr. Kakashi and his student when they arehaving dinner also can interpret as CulturalCode. It becomes the characteristic of Japanese people who are doing diningtable for dinner as their tradition.

Symbolic Code is about the eponymous symbolswhich can be found in media texts. It is called signifier and used to convey meaning through symbolism, as well asemphasizing character development, contrast, and tension. This is typicallydone in the use of antithesis, where new meaning arises out of opposing andconflict ideas. It was annoyingly difficult to explain. You will onlyunderstand it if first we look at binary opposites, the theory which describeabout one thing can only be defined in relation to something.
Naruto Episode 101 Summary
According to Naruto Episode 101, Sasuke was notinterested to help Naruto for find out what was behind Mr. Kakashi’s mask thatcovering his face. It means that Sasuke is complete indifference to how Mr.Kakashi’s true face could be. Indifference can interpret as Symbolic Code.
According to Naruto Episode 101, Naruto reallywant to know about Mr. Kakashi’s true face. It means that Naruto is care aboutMr. Kakashi and it was totally different from Sasuke. Care can interpret as Symbolic Code.
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