Anonymous is on a destruction spree lately—after Megaupload was killed, their reaction was swift and powerful. They made it look easy—and that's because thanks to the HOIC (High Orbit Ion Cannon), it
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High Orbit Ion Cannon Ddos Share this story Most members of Anonymous would prefer to stay, well, anonymous. But as the group has engaged in increasingly high-profile attacks on government and corporate websites, doing so effectively and staying out of harm's way have become an ever-growing challenge. Threat: High Orbit Ion Cannon v2.1.003 Version. The High Orbit Ion Cannon (HOIC) is the follow-up to the opt-in. Intel Mac OS X 1058; zh-cn. The High Orbit Ion Cannon (HOIC) is a tool that could aid an unauthenticated, remote attacker in conducting distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Dec 27, 2017 - High Orbit Ion Cannon HOIC is a tool 'Denial Of Service' Kembangan From Its predecessor is the 'Low Orbit Ion. Mac Os X Lion Torrent. What is Low Orbit Ion Cannon? Low Orbit Ion Cannon is an open-source network stress testing and denial-of-service attack application, written in C#. High Orbit Ion Cannon download. High Orbit Ion Cannon 2014-05-26 22:28:17 free download. High Orbit Ion Cannon.
It's the newest way Anonymous is attacking websites...
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Anonymous relies on the mob, corralled by a vanguard of elites. It may have a serious brain trust at the top, but Anonymous' power—like any other popular movement—lies in its ability to arm the unskilled. When Anon wants to knock down a website, it organizes a heap of followers around one target, armed with software (HOIC) that overloads a server with fake visitors—a simulated flood of malicious traffic that pushes a site to its breaking point. And once a website is down, this software keeps it down.
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that is still just as easy to use...
A child could use the HOIC—and that's what makes it so dangerous. Pretty much anyone with eyeballs and a bone to pick can find HOIC via Google, install it in a couple of minutes, and be ready to go. All you need to do is type in a target website and click fire.
but blasts websites better than ever...
The HOIC has some diabolical tricks up its sleeve. First, it cranks out more dummy traffic—meant to overwhelm and crash a server with more fake 'visitors' than it can handle—with a magnitude that outstrips anything the LOIC was capable of: one Anon told me he's able to fire off as much as 2 MB per second using HOIC. Part of the supercharging comes from the use of 'boosters'—custom scripts that spread malicious traffic across a range of target sub-pages, rather than just one. For example: instead of hitting, a booster will knock,, etc, all forged to look like the traffic is coming from a variety of spots. Think shotgun versus pistol.

while keeping Anonymous safe(r).
'Most good firewalls have been written to block loic attacks,' another Anon tells me, owing to the fact that it's been a 4chan standby for years. HOIC, on the other hand, is a newer weapon, and sites are less likely to be prepared for it. The use of boosters also confuses online defenses, turning a focused, easy to trace beam into an overwhelming scattershot. But HOIC can't turn any Anon into a lone wolf—an operative who actively uses the newest cannon said at least 50 users are necessary to give their targeted site enough of a walloping to take it down and keep it down.